Peltier Nissan
 Sales 903-501-2785
Service 903-600-8897
3201 S Southwest Loop 323 Tyler, TX 75701-9204
Today 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Parts & Service 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
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Why Buy Pre-Owned?

Why Should You Choose a Pre-Owned Vehicle at Peltier Nissan?

If your goal is to find incredible savings on a spectacular car, you can find plenty of options in our used inventory here at Peltier Nissan. Why buy a used car? Purchasing a pre-owned vehicle allows you to take advantage of myriad perks, ranging from lower prices to unique manufacturer-backed benefits. We're proud of our diverse, competitively-priced pre-owned vehicles here at our Nissan dealership, and we're ready to help you drive home in a top-notch used vehicle that inspires confidence.

What Are the Benefits of Buying Used?

When you explore our inventory, you can find a wide variety of high-quality used cars and plenty of opportunities to enjoy savings and peace of mind. Here's a look at some of the reasons why picking a pre-owned car is the way to go.

Smaller Price Tags

Used vehicles are typically much less expensive than similar brand-new models. New vehicles take the biggest hit to their value when they roll off the lot, which means that you can get to reap the benefits when you buy a car used. Even like-new late-model used cars can be found at considerably lower prices than their new counterparts, allowing you to enjoy fantastic savings on an even more fabulous pre-owned car.

Since used cars are less expensive than new ones, there isn't as much to finance. So, it's easier to arrive at a financing solution and monthly payment that works perfectly for your budget.

Peltier Nissan Tyler TX
Peltier Nissan Tyler TX

More Car for Less

A fully-loaded vehicle with all the bells and whistles is quite the investment when you buy new, but purchasing a used vehicle allows you to get more of the features you want without paying new-car prices. When you buy used, you can get a better-equipped car for less and enjoy more of the features and technologies you love without squeezing your wallet too hard.

More Options to Explore

When you dive into our selection of used vehicles for sale, you can explore a much broader range of options. Shopping for a new vehicle typically limits you to one or two model years, and your brand options are often slim. When you buy used, however, you can shop a wide array of body styles, brands, model years, trim levels, and more to suit your needs.

We take pride in our exciting selection of used vehicles, and we're eager to help you discover the right fit for your driving needs and budget.

Certified Pre-Owned Nissan Options

Buying a used car isn't just about picking from a selection of inexpensive cars. Here at Peltier Nissan, you can explore a wide range of certified pre-owned Nissan models, which offer some unique ways to get more out of your purchase and your ownership experience.

What sets CPO Nissan models apart? CPO Nissan models have to meet strict criteria to qualify for certification, so they go far beyond simply not being new anymore. CPO models must meet the requirements for mileage and age, and they must pass a comprehensive multi-point inspection. Otherwise, they don't earn a spot in our CPO inventory.

You also get to take advantage of other perks, such as warranty coverage and roadside assistance. So, buying a CPO Nissan model might feel a lot more like buying something new with all the added Nissan-backed benefits that you get to enjoy!


Schedule a Test Drive

Ready to take a closer look at your favorite pre-owned vehicles? Whether you have your eye on a CPO Nissan model or something else entirely, our team is here to make your buying experience go as smoothly as possible.